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Somatic Experiencing in TN, NC, and OH.

Occasionally, Woven Bone Somatics hosts virtual events and workshops. Browse the event calendar below. We invite you to join us! 

Befriending Feminine Cycle

Have you entered the perimenopausal phase and are wondering what awaits? Or perhaps you're uncertain if you have arrived yet. For some, this transition can begin in their 30s but others experience changes in their 40s and beyond. We will cover both the physiological shifts, how this chapter presents growth opportunities and discuss what needs may be most important now. Gain insight into these changes and engage in practices to help move through this stage with ease.

Have you entered the perimenopausal phase and are wondering what awaits? Or perhaps you're uncertain if you have arrived yet.

For some, this transition can begin in their 30s but others experience changes in their 40s and beyond. We will cover both the physiological shifts, how this chapter presents growth opportunities and discuss what needs may be most important now. Gain insight into these changes and engage in practices to help move through this stage with ease.



Befriending Feminine Cycle